суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

flat races

Yeah, so today i decided to create one of these live journal things. I dont really know why. Probably because i have things inside of me that i feel like need to be put down on paper....or some sort of online virtual prompt.
today did not go so well.
im sick.
was out late last night.(which was fun donapos;t get me wrong)
and someone amazing said "lets be friends"
i have to except that, which i am doing. I was prepared. Somehow i knew it was going to go like that. No worries. There are many fish in the sea for i am merlin trying to find my nemo. Yes, i made an allusion to the disney pixar anamated flim...Finding Nemo.
Good day....or night, for i am going to bed
flat races, flat racing saddle sale, flat rack, flat rack container.

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