суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bmx tricks.com

Well,im about to quit my job.I only had 3 days this week and next week i only have 2.I hate my jobIm getting a new job.Hopefully i will get the job at the game store.My cousin is going to talk to his friends that work there and try to get me a job.I really hope i get a job there.I love video games.

Things have also gotten worse at home.My big sisters boyfriend called me a bitch because i wouldnt let him use my controller.He never does anything for me except talk about me behind my back so why should i let him use it?Hes so stupid.I wish he would go back to Kentucky.I cant stand him.

Im starting to get really stressed out and depressed.I have way to much stuff to deal with at the moment and its really hard.Sometimes i just want to go back to sleep and skip the whole day.I know i cant though.I have to keep trying even if the results arent what i want.Well i have to go.I have things i need to sort out.


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